Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sep 5, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 6 (Dusy Basin)

Climbing over Potluck Pass was another challenging obstacle.  From Potluck pass the route follows over an inconspicuous saddle into Palisade Basin and the numerous Barret Lakes before making it's way over Knapsack Pass to Dusy Basin.   I must of crested and continued over the unnamed pass, before Barret Lakes without realizing my progress.  It was rough hiking over talus  and at one point I felt there where more tarns then I expected.  It was really Barret Lakes; and I crested Knapsack Pass thinking I was really only at the unnamed pass.  Looking down at Dusy Basin I thought perhaps I was off track again.   Dropping down to the many lakes in Dusy Basin I started to worry I was off trail.   I kind of thought it looked like Dusy Basin but in my mind it was too soon so I was uncomfortable.  As I was resting by one of the lakes I saw a hiker.  Then a tent.  Then a 15 person trail crew and a ranger.  Turns out I had already crossed Knapsack pass and was just were I wanted to be to camp for the night.   Camping after the last lake in Dusy  Basin beside the Bishop Pass trail footbridge.

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