Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sep 15, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 16 (Thousand Islands Lake)

Crested Nancy pass to far right and had to do a knifes edge to get farther right for the descent.  The route up to Minaret Lake was hard but fantastic views.  From there to Cecile and Iceberg lake was horrible rocks but again very scenic and magical views.  Tired, but the hiking to Whitebark Pass was straight forward and lots of snow near the tarns.  It got a bit cold.  Dropping from the pass again Garnett and Thousand Island lakes were amazing.   I was tired and was hurrying to find sheltered camp before dark as the wind was picking up.  Supper windy and pushing on the tent walls at night.  It blew a fine coating of sand on everything in the tent overnight.  Graupel snow in morning but it looks like I avoided any real snow so navigation should not be a problem.

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