Monday, September 16, 2024

Sep 16, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 17 (Lake 3100 meters after Twin Island Lakes)

Climbing Glacier Lake Pass I got some light snow and it was cold enough that icicles formed on my mustache.  It was very pretty with all the snow fields but I'm getting tired of climbing over rocks as I passed Lake Catherine heading over to the Twin Island Lakes.  Very scenic, remote, and kind of lonely, but the route finding wasn't to bad. 

The water was low at the ford at Twin Island Lakes so it was an easy crossing.  Camping at the Lake at 3100 meters after Twin Island Lakes.   Great to get this far as most of the hard, high altitude, trailess passes are behind me before the storm comes in.  Just as I was finishing boiling up a big pot of hot water for some soup it started snowing and it quickly started accumulating on my sleeping bag.   In my reflective instinct to quickly close up the tent I spilled the boiling water on my foot causing a sever burn.  Not a good ending to the day.   

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