Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sep 19, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 20 (Tuolumne Meadows and Lee Vining)

Day 20 on trail.  Woke to a few inches of new snow.  My burned foot is really bothering me but the gentle trail was easy to walk with pretty meadows, trees, and granite slabs.  I passed lots of horses suppling the Sierra Trail Camp. When I got to Tuolumne Meadows the campground, lodge, etc were all closed for the season.  Because of the snow the road up the pass from Lee Vining was closed this morning so no one knows if the bus will come to head down to Lee Vining.   I am not willing to wait till 7pm to see if the bus will come so I spent a good 1-1/2 hours before getting a hitch to town.  My original plan was to resupply in Tuolumne Meadows/Lee Vining for the last section of the Sierra High Route to Twin Lakes.  I'm running two days behind and it would be a push to make it for my return flight from Reno.  I had pretty much decided I would take a zero day in town and if I didn't feel I had enough time save the last section for another trip.   Now, with my burned foot I'm going to stop here.  It's been a great 20 day adventure and challenging accomplishment to solo the section 1-4 of the Sierra High Route.  The route finding was much more challenging then I expected.  Will have to come back next year to catch the last section to complete the route.   I plan to change my flight and take the bus from Lee Vining to Reno in the morning.   The end of another birthday hike adventure!   

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sep 18, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 19 (Vogelsong Lake)

Lucked out with the weather.  Forecast was rain but held off except a few sprinkles and graupel snow on the climb up the pass.  Excellent scenery and the trail is a work of art but my legs are beat.  I feel I need a zero day?   Even got a good view of half dome today. Vogelsong pass was a dream of stone stairs and switchbacks.  Sounds of coyotes during the night with the barks echoing down the canyon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sep 17, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 18 (Lyell Fork)

Late start this morning as I let the snow melt off the tent.  Blue lakes and blue lake pass were not super hard but my body is dragging and the burn on my foot was uncomfortable hiking.  It's a really pretty area and the easier terrain and route finding is a treat.   I'm starting to feel the draw of making it to Tuolumne Meadows. Roper's book describes these wonderful clear rivers in the forest but they were all dry.  Pushing on to Lyell Fork for water to camp with.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sep 16, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 17 (Lake 3100 meters after Twin Island Lakes)

Climbing Glacier Lake Pass I got some light snow and it was cold enough that icicles formed on my mustache.  It was very pretty with all the snow fields but I'm getting tired of climbing over rocks as I passed Lake Catherine heading over to the Twin Island Lakes.  Very scenic, remote, and kind of lonely, but the route finding wasn't to bad. 

The water was low at the ford at Twin Island Lakes so it was an easy crossing.  Camping at the Lake at 3100 meters after Twin Island Lakes.   Great to get this far as most of the hard, high altitude, trailess passes are behind me before the storm comes in.  Just as I was finishing boiling up a big pot of hot water for some soup it started snowing and it quickly started accumulating on my sleeping bag.   In my reflective instinct to quickly close up the tent I spilled the boiling water on my foot causing a sever burn.  Not a good ending to the day.   

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sep 15, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 16 (Thousand Islands Lake)

Crested Nancy pass to far right and had to do a knifes edge to get farther right for the descent.  The route up to Minaret Lake was hard but fantastic views.  From there to Cecile and Iceberg lake was horrible rocks but again very scenic and magical views.  Tired, but the hiking to Whitebark Pass was straight forward and lots of snow near the tarns.  It got a bit cold.  Dropping from the pass again Garnett and Thousand Island lakes were amazing.   I was tired and was hurrying to find sheltered camp before dark as the wind was picking up.  Supper windy and pushing on the tent walls at night.  It blew a fine coating of sand on everything in the tent overnight.  Graupel snow in morning but it looks like I avoided any real snow so navigation should not be a problem.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sep 14, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 15 (Superior Lake)

Sunny again!  It's been just a string of fantastic weather so far.  Hiking past the Devil's Postpile National Monument.  Camping at Superior Lake just before the assault on Nancy Pass.   

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sep 13, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 14 (Reds Meadow)

Great views through the windows on the Crest and from Mammoth Pass.  The pumice like talc sand on the hike down from the pass to Reds Meadow was ridiculous.  Emptied my boots many times but still got blisters on my big toe.  14days without a resupply.  My longest carry of any long trail.   Things are closing up at Reds Meadow.   Last weekend for the bus into Mammoth, campground closed.  I got a dry cabin at Reds and a burger!  Enjoyed a dip in the hot spring, a shower, did laundry, and had a tuna melt for dinner.   In the morning I had a great egg breakfast with biscuits and was able to resupply with stuff from the hiker box and other hikers leaving at Reds meadow.   Meet up with Picanti again; he's planning on a fast finish to the rest of the route so I will unlikely see him on trail.   I would have liked to take a zero day but I want to get over the next hard passes before the weather pattern comes in.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sep 12, 2024 -- Sierra High Route, Day 13 (Deer Lake)

Well, I was expecting an easy morning.  A few miles on the JMT then turn onto Duck Lake trail.  To save battery I left my GPS off.   I was starting to feel like I might have missed the turn.  Turn on GPS and it clearly indicated I was on a different trail that left the campsite.  I was pissed and back hiked a good mile.  Checking the GPS again, it now says I'm on the right trail hiking backward to camp.   I was on the right trail all along just shy of the turn.  So again I turn around and hike back.  Stupid. 

Surprised to see trail workers on the climb up to Duck Lake.  Beautiful section around Duck and Deer lakes.  Meet another Sierra High Route SoBo section hiker who said snow for Sunday night then dropping to the low 50s.  It was still early in the day but Roper's notes says no water till Reds Meadow; which is another 10 miles.  I took a long beak and was going to carry 4-liters to dry camp.  But the thought of extra weight was discouraging.    Decided to camp here at 3pm.  Even though it was easy day I'm exhausted.  I'm 2 days behind from what I thought I would be able to hike.   Was thinking I might have to end at Tuolumne Meadows.   Now with snow maybe I'll have to end my adventure at Reds Meadow?  We will see.  I've had picture perfect weather, but cold nights so far.  Today was the first time hiking in the morning with a coat.  The really only issue so  far has been some really windy evening in camp.   It' makes it very hard to setup your tent in the wind.